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Mormonboyz at Mormon Boyz (Mormonboyz showcases “Same Sex Attraction,” a.k.a. “SSA,” or “SGA.” Mormonboyz is Mormon porn, where hot Mormon men in Mormon underwear engage in gay Mormon sex, including daddy son sex videos Mormon Boyz) (ALL MODELS)

Usage[edit source]

This template can link to either the main page or a model profile page.

  • To link to the main page, use the template as is: {{Mormonboyz}}
  • To link to a model profile page, follow these steps.
    1. Find the model profile page URL. For example, Scott Riley is at http://mormonboyz.com/boys/elder-kimball/
    2. Take the text after boys/, which is elder-kimball
    3. Insert that text into the template like this: {{mormonboyz|elder-kimball}}