Template:Legend-table[edit source]

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Working example[edit source]

See for example Image:Kosovo relations.svg.

Usage[edit source]

{{legend-table|title=This is an optional title
|#0052ff|States which formally recognise Kosovo as independent.<sup>1</sup>
|#5fadff|States which have stated they intend to recognise formally Kosovo as independent.
|#cdcd9c|States with undecided, unclear or ambiguous positions.
|#E5A238|States which have expressed disagreement with unilateral moves or expressed wish for further negotiations.
|#FF4500|States which have stated they will not recognise Kosovo as independent.
|#a3a3a3|States with no reported position at present.
|notes=<sup>1</sup>This is an optional area for footnotes.


This is an optional title

Template:LegendTemplate:LegendTemplate:LegendTemplate:LegendTemplate:LegendTemplate:LegendTemplate:Legend 1This is an optional area for footnotes.

Style[edit source]

To change the default style, use the |style= parameter.