The PBC Media Converter is a specialized service that allows users to easily convert and publish video content to PBC. It provides automated video conversion to the AV1 format, ensuring optimal quality and compatibility while maintaining efficient storage usage. The service handles the entire workflow from initial upload through conversion to final publication on PBC pages.
Why Use PBC Media Converter?
- Optimized Conversion: Automatically converts videos to high-quality AV1 format
- User-Friendly Interface: Simple drag-and-drop upload with real-time progress tracking
- Queue Management: Organized processing of multiple files with status updates
- Integrated Publishing: Direct publication to PBC pages with automatic categorization
- Quality Preservation: Maintains video quality while optimizing file size
- Batch Processing: Handles multiple files with shared metadata options
Requirements and Limitations
Supported Input Formats
- MP4 (.mp4)
- M4V (.m4v)
- MOV (.mov)
- TS (.ts)
- AVI (.avi)
- WMV (.wmv)
- MKV (.mkv)
- WebM (.webm)
Video Requirements
- Minimum Resolution: 1920x1080 pixels
- Minimum Bitrate: Dynamic, depends on resolution and codec
- Maximum File Size: 16 GB
- Frame Rate Support: Up to 120 fps
Browser Requirements
- Modern web browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge)
- JavaScript enabled
- Stable internet connection
User Permissions
- User must be logged in
- User must have upload permissions
- User must be autoconfirmed or in a higher user group
Language Support
- Interface automatically adapts to user's wiki language preference
- Supports many main wiki interface languages
- Language can be changed using the wiki's language selector in the top menu
- Error messages, notifications, and interface elements are fully localized
- Default fallback language is English
Important Notes
- All videos are converted to WebM format using the AV1 codec
- The conversion process may take significant time depending on the file size and server load
Getting Started
Upload Tab
The upload tab is your starting point for converting videos. You can add files in two ways:
- Drag and drop files directly onto the upload area
- Click the upload area to open file selection dialog
After selecting files, the service will:
- Validate each file for format and size requirements
- Generate preview thumbnails
- Display file cards with basic information
- Show upload progress in real-time
Tips for uploading:
- You can select multiple files at once
- Invalid files will be automatically filtered out with appropriate error messages
- Each file card shows a preview thumbnail and basic file information
- You can remove files before starting conversion using the delete button
Conversion Process
Once files are uploaded, you'll be automatically taken to the conversion tab. Here you can:
Before Conversion
- Review detailed file information for each video
- See input resolution, codec, frame rate, and other technical details
- Verify that files meet minimum requirements
Starting Conversion
Click the "Start Conversion" button to begin processing all uploaded files. The system will:
- Add files to the conversion queue
- Process files sequentially
- Show real-time progress for each file
Queue Management
- Files are processed one at a time
- Current queue position is displayed for each file
- You can see:
- Total number of files in queue
- Current active conversion
- Estimated processing time
Conversion Stages
Each file goes through several stages:
- Queued: File is waiting for processing
- First Pass: Initial processing stage
- Second Pass: Final conversion to AV1
- Completion: File is ready for publishing
Progress Indicators:
- Real-time progress percentage
- Current conversion stage
- Preview thumbnails of converted files
- Detailed conversion status updates
Important Notes:
- Don't close your browser during conversion
- You'll receive notifications when conversions complete
- Failed conversions can be retried automatically
- The conversion tab will show converted files with before/after comparisons
After Conversion
When conversion completes:
- File cards will flip to show the converted file details
- You can compare original and converted specifications
- The "Publish" tab becomes available
- Success notifications appear for each completed file
Technical Information Display:
- Output resolution
- Frame rate
- Codec settings
- File size reduction
- Quality metrics
Publication Process
Publication Tab Overview
Once all files are converted, you'll be automatically redirected to the publication tab. Here you can prepare your videos for publishing on PBC pages. Each video has its own publication card with several important sections.
File Naming Guidelines
PBC file names should be clear and descriptive, without being excessively long. While the file name doesn't matter much to the reader (they can reach the description page by simply clicking on the image), it matters for editors. It is helpful to other contributors and for maintenance of the encyclopedia if images have descriptive or at least readable file names.
Proper file naming is crucial for successful publication:
- Must be at least 5 characters long
- Must contain at least one letter
- Cannot start with dots, spaces, underscores, or hyphens
- Cannot contain special characters (#<>[]|{}/:*?\\")
- Should be descriptive and meaningful
- File extension (.webm) is added automatically
Good Examples:
"Diego Mineiro Rhyheim Shabazz Gael Kriok OnlyFans 2023"
"Calvin SeanCody SC0414 2006"
"Chris Barron CorbinFisher ACM2878 Barron Works Out Chris 2023"
"Malik Delgaty Argyle Grant Fall Winter 2022-2023 Fashion Show"
Bad Examples:
345653456323523 (only numbers)
VID_12345 (only numbers and underscores)
.my-video (starts with dot)
vid1 (too short)
Concert.mov (don't include extension)
Video Description
The description field supports several important elements:
Actor Links
- Click the person icon to add actor links
- Actors are automatically linked using [[Actor Name]] format
- Multiple actors are separated by "&" or commas
- Actors are placed at the beginning of the description
Site Templates
- Click the link icon to add site templates
- Templates are added after actors using "at {{Template}}" format
- Start typing to see template suggestions
- Only existing templates are shown
Free Text
- Click the text icon to add free-form text
- Use for additional information or context
- Can include locations, events, or other relevant details
Example Description:
[[John Smith]] & [[Jane Doe]] at {{seancodylink}}, 2012
Proper categorization helps organize and find videos:
Adding Categories:
- Type category name to see suggestions
- Only existing categories are shown in dark color
- New categories appear in red
- Click a category to visit its wiki page
Category Tips:
- Add both general and specific categories
- Use existing categories when possible
- Check category spelling and format
- Categories are case-sensitive
- Minimum one category required per video
For multiple videos:
- Use "Add Shared Category" to add categories to all videos at once
- Click "Copy Categories" to copy categories from the first video to all others
Date Information
The date field has two input modes:
Calendar Mode
- Use for exact known dates
- Select date from calendar interface
- Best for recent videos with clear dates
Text Mode
- Use for approximate or historical dates
- Can include months, seasons, or years
- Supports descriptive date formats
- Always use the actual recording date, not publication date
- Be as specific as possible with dates
- Use text mode if exact date is unknown
- Date format should match wiki standards
- Calendar: "2024-01-15"
- Text: "Summer 2023"
- Text: "circa 1995"
- Text: "January 2024"
Batch Operations
For publishing multiple videos:
- Copy Description: Apply first video's description to all videos
- Copy Date: Use same date for all videos
- Copy Categories: Apply first video's categories to all videos
Publication Process
Before publishing:
- Verify all required fields are filled
- Check for red warning indicators
- Review all information for accuracy
- Ensure proper categorization
Click "Publish All" to start the publication process:
- Files are published sequentially
- Progress is shown for each file
- Success/failure notifications appear
- Published files become read-only
- Wiki and HTML links are provided after successful publication
After Publication:
- Use provided wiki code to embed videos in articles
- Copy direct links for sharing
- View published files in their categories
- Add videos to relevant wiki pages
Tips for Successful Publication
- Double-check file names before publishing
- Ensure descriptions are clear and informative
- Use specific, relevant categories
- Provide accurate dates
- Wait for all publications to complete
- Don't refresh the page during publication