-- This module implements
local p = {}
local HtmlBuilder = require('Module:HtmlBuilder')
function trim(s) return (mw.ustring.gsub(s, "^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1")) end
local function _gallery(args) local tbl = HtmlBuilder.create('table')
if args.state then tbl.css('width', '100%') tbl.addClass('collapsible') tbl.addClass(args.state) end
if then tbl.cssText( else tbl .css('background', 'transparent') .css('border', '1px solid #f0f0f0') .css('margin-top', '0.5em') end
if args.align then tbl.attr('align', args.align) end
if args.title then tbl .tag('tr') .tag('th') .css('text-align', 'center') .css('font-weight', 'bold') .wikitext(args.title) end
local mainCell = tbl.tag('tr').tag('td')
local imageCount = math.ceil(#args / 2) local cellWidth = tonumber(args.cellwidth) or tonumber(args.width) or 180 local imgHeight = tonumber(args.height) or 180 local lines = tonumber(args.lines) or 2 local captionstyle = args.captionstyle
for i = 1, imageCount do
local img = trim(args[i*2 - 1] or ) local caption = trim(args[i*2] or ) local imgWidth = tonumber(args['width' .. i]) or tonumber(args.width) or 180 local alt = args['alt' .. i] or
local textWidth if cellWidth < 30 then textWidth = imgHeight + 27 else textWidth = cellWidth + 7 end
if img ~= then local imgTbl = mainCell.tag('table')
imgTbl .css('width', (cellWidth + 20) .. 'px') .css('float', 'left') .css('border-collapse', 'collapse') .css('margin', '3px') .tag('tr') .tag('td') .css('height', (imgHeight + 20) .. 'px') .css('border', '1px solid #CCCCCC') .css('background-color', '#F8F8F8') .css('padding', '0px') .css('text-align', 'center') .wikitext(mw.ustring.format('center|border|%dx%dpx|alt=%s|%s', img, imgWidth, imgHeight, alt, caption)) .done() .done() .tag('tr') .css('vertical-align', 'top') .tag('td') .css('display', 'block') .css('font-size', '1em') .css('height', (0.2 + 1.5*lines) .. 'em') .css('padding', '0px') .tag('div') .addClass('gallerytext') .css('height', (0.1 + 1.5*lines) .. 'em') .css('width', textWidth .. 'px') .css('line-height', '1.3em') .css('padding', '2px 6px 1px 6px') .css('overflow-y', 'auto') .css('margin', '0px') .css('border', 'none') .css('border-width', '0px') .cssText(captionstyle) .wikitext(caption .. ' ') end end
if args.footer then tbl .tag('tr') .tag('td') .css('text-align', 'right') .css('font-size', '80%') .css('line-height', '1em') .wikitext(args.footer) end if args.perrow then tbl.css('width', 8 + (cellWidth + 20 + 6)*tonumber(args.perrow) .. 'px') end
return tostring(tbl) end
function local origArgs -- If called via #invoke, use the args passed into the invoking template. -- Otherwise, for testing purposes, assume args are being passed directly in. if frame == mw.getCurrentFrame() then origArgs = frame:getParent().args else origArgs = frame end
-- ParserFunctions considers the empty string to be false, so to preserve the previous
-- behavior of
, change any empty arguments to nil, so Lua will consider
-- them false too. local args = {} for k, v in pairs(origArgs) do if v ~= then args[k] = v end end
return _gallery(args) end
return p