Hector Agusti[edit | edit source]

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Hector Agusti
Hector Agusti
Birth name: Rivie Mattheeuw
Aliases: Rivelli, Rivelli Pharelli, Rivie Ryma
Born: 25 May 1978 (age 46)
Astrology: Gemini
Place of birth:  Curaçao
 Kingdom of the Netherlands
Country of birth:  Curaçao
Ethnicity: BlackAfro-Caribbean
Nationality: Curacaoan
Height attribute symbol.png
180 cm
(5 ft 11 in)
Weight attribute symbol.png
73 kg
(161 lbs)
Penis size attribute symbol.png
21 cm
(8.3 in)
Hair: Black (Short)
Eye color: Brown
Body type: AthleticSwimmer
Skin: Medium BlackBrown
Ass type: Big Ass
Butt: Natural
Foreskin: Uncut
Chest hair: Smooth (Legend)
Underarm hair: Shaved
Pubic hair: Shaved
Ass hair: Shaved
Tattoo: Yes
Position: Top Safe SexTop BarebackBottom Safe SexTop Creampie
Special: Deep ThroatInterracial
Personal pages
Facebook Facebook: ryma1978
Instagram Instagram: riviemattheeuw
IMDb: ID 7264320
IAFD: rivellipharelli
GEVI: ID 33821
Q1538 Hector Agusti (Q1538)
at Fuckermate, 2014
at Fuckermate, 2014

Hector Agusti, real name Rivie Mattheeuw (also known as Rivelli, Rivelli Pharelli, Rivie Ryma; born 25 May 1978 in Curaçao, Netherlands (Kingdom of the Netherlands)) is a curacaoan-born dutch pornographic actor and adult model.

at Fuckermate with Eddie Harris, 2014
at Fuckermate with Eddie Harris, 2014
at Staxus with Noah Matous, 2015
at Staxus with Noah Matous, 2015
at Staxus with Erik Franke & Yuri Adamov, 2015
at Staxus with Erik Franke & Yuri Adamov, 2015
at Staxus with Erik Franke & Yuri Adamov, 2015
at Staxus with Erik Franke & Yuri Adamov, 2015

Gay Pornography[edit | edit source]

Hector Agusti at FreshSX (Gay Pornographic Production/Distribution Company) (as Rivelli Pharelli)
Hector Agusti at Fucker Mate (Barcelona Spain studio. Extensive Photosessions and Rough and Raw Sex featuring a host of Spanish Men)
Hector Agusti at Staxus (Czech gay pornographic Production/Distribution Company; former AVI Production Prague) (ALL MODELS)
Hector Agusti at XY Studios (Marcel Bruckmann Company; Labels: Man's Art, Street Boys, Skater Boys, Turkish Boys) (as Rivelli)

Filmography[edit | edit source]

External links[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]